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Do you need to have commercial real estate experienced?
Is there a contract?
Yes, as an independent contractor 1099
Does GPARENCY provide leads?
Yes, GPARENCY provides you with 100 leads with expectation that you will also do outreach on your own via LinkedIn, social media, network etc.
Does Gparency do the processing? Closing? Submit loans?
The short answer is yes. Depending on your choice. We do everything from sizing up the deal, packaging it, sending it out , closing. If you feel like you are experienced and you only need certain levels, we are happy to do it depending on the level of involvement you want to have in the deal.
Does Gparency leave marketing to the employee/originator?
GPARENCY does general marketing for the company and you can benefit from it. We will advertise the BaaS product along with the other products we offer.
Learn More About GPARENCY
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